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Thank you for your interest in joining the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141. 

As a MS/HS we have two separate enrollment procedures.  Please look below for the grade level of your child and follow the steps outlined below.  

Middle School (entering Grades 6-8)


RKA MS is a zoned middle school.  This means that students who live within our catchment area have a priority to a seat in our middle school and that students who do not live in our zone may not be able to be admitted.    The school must also determine if we can properly accommodate the child's needs before admission.



All families are welcome to join us on a tour of our Middle School (8:30 AM on 10/04, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8, 11/15, 12/06 and 12/13).  Please register here.


We will also be holding a virtual session on 10/19 @ 7:00 Pm on Zoom.  Click here to join. 


All applicants must apply through the NYC Public Schools MySchools portal.  Access to MySchools can be obtained  through the students' Elementary School or the Family Welcome Center.

High School (entering Grades 9-12)


RKA HS is a screened high school.  This means that all students must meet our academic screening criteria (on track for cohort with academic subject grades of 80+).  All applicants must meet this minimum.  The school must also determine if we can properly accommodate the child's needs before admission.


All families are welcome to join us on a tour of our High School (8:45 AM on 11/12, 11/13).  Please register here.


We will also be holding a virtual session on 11/20 @ 7:00 Pm on Zoom.  Click here to join. 


All applicants must apply through the NYC Public Schools MySchools portal.  Access to MySchools can be obtained  through the students' Middle School or the Family Welcome Center.

The Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 is one of the most sought after public schools in the city. 

We pride ourselves on our family feel, community values, meeting the needs of our diverse student population, excellent teaching and support staff, parent involvement, and, of course, offering our students a variety of academics, arts, athletics and activities.


Admissions: Services

MiddlE SChool

Welcome to RKA! 


As the months have passed, the city and its public school inch ever-closer to "business as usual." We're all back in-person, and enjoying it!


As we have been doing through it all, we continue to provide a full and well-rounded experience for all our learners and meet their varying needs. Our 6th grade curriculum includes five periods a week of ELA, augmented by five periods of Literature. Our Mathematics program follows a similar schedule, with five periods of Math and additional enrichment through our Math Through Technology classes. This is rounded off with our Social Studies, Science, and Foreign Language classes, and our "Specials," Music and Visual Art. We are pleased to be back in person with our Phys Ed classes and enjoying the great outdoors as the weather permits.  All of our 8th graders are currently taking Algebra and Living Environment, capping off their middle school experience with Regents-level classes and giving them the opportunity to earn some high school credits while still in middle school!


We have expanded social and emotional support systems in place, more important than ever. In addition to our full and extra roster of guidance specialists, we have "Help Is Here." If a student needs to talk or emotional assistance of any kind, they need look no further than the nearest "Help is Here" sign--all over the building--and that RKA staff member will be sure to provide the support needed right away.


We are even working our way back to school-wide activities. We have had events both inside and outside for our students, celebrating the Fall and the onset of the holiday season. We have periodic "School Spirit" weeks to keep the mood happy! Will there be school dances in our future? We hope so!


Our RKA Parents' Association plays an active role in the school, raising funds and taking part in our School Leadership Team and other important school committees. They hold monthly meetings on Zoom, and you can also keep up-to-date with Principal O'Mara's monthly "Coffee with the Principal" and "Fireside Chats." These are still on Zoom, too, so it's easy to attend from anywhere!


Our partnership with RNH/Riverdale Community Center remains strong and their Afterschool Program--back in full business again--has a variety of programs in arts, music, sports, academies, and theater. 


Of course, we continue to vigilantly follow all Department of Education-mandated COVID safety protocols, including masks, social distancing in classrooms, daily health screenings and weekly (at this time) COVID screening, and smaller lunchtime groupings. Our building is kept sanitary with continual spot-cleaning, and daily thorough cleansing by our custodial staff. We maintain our busy schedule of school safety drills.


We are proud to maintain our position as one of the most sought-after schools in the city with experienced and talented professionals teaching, supporting, enriching, and making the best decisions for our students' futures.


High School

Welcome to RKA! 


As a 6th through 12th grade school, we are proud that the majority of our middle school students choose to carry on with us all the way through high school! At its best, a 7-year commitment with RKA provides a student with a full, well-rounded education, and prepares a student for whatever the future brings. At the conclusion of an RKA "career," students and faculty really feel part of one big family!

In addition to our full college-preparatory program, including many Advanced Placement and Dual-Enrollment classes, high school students can also select from a variety of electives that can include Journalism, Personal Finance, Research, Psychology, Film, Creative Writing, and advanced opportunities in Visual Art and Music. We have a full-service College Office, and starting in the 9th grade, students are set on a college-ready course. This includes developing community-mindedness and resume-building through our Key Club, and taking part in our "One Goal" and Triple C" programs, which prepare students for college and career. Frequent assemblies and grade-level meetings for students and parents keep families up-to-date on credit accumulation, sports, activities, college applications, and applying for financial aid and scholarships. We are proud to have a college acceptance rate of 92%. We are regularly listed in both the New York Post and USA Today as a top high school in New York City.

Currently, we have been very successful in following all the Department of Education-mandated safety protocols at RKA, including small class size, social-distancing, daily health screenings and temperature checks, and hands-free lunch delivery to classrooms. Our school building is kept sanitary with continual spot-cleaning, and daily thorough cleanings by our custodial staff. We even maintain our busy schedule of mandated safety drills during this time.

While some of our popular programs are "on hold" at the moment, you can be sure we are continuing a high level of school spirit and involvement. Whether virtual or in-person, there are School Spirit Weeks, a yearbook and a school literary magazine, activities and celebrations, and a Student Government active and engaged in the life of the school.

​When sports are in play, our varsity teams are hard to beat! Our sports include: Baseball, Softball, Girls' and Boys' Soccer and Basketball, Girls' and Boys' Track and Cross Country, Wrestling, Golf, and Girls' Volleyball. Many of our teams regularly end up in the PSAL city playoffs, and we have even seen our Baseball and Volleyball teams land city championships! 

We are very proud of our students, and we appreciate your interest in RKA!​

Admissions: Services
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